För att formatera elektroder på stationära svetstänger erbjuder KYOKUTOH en extremt flexibel svängbar lösning. Elektrodformeraren är monterad på svängbar enhet och kan styras mycket flexibelt till den stationerade svetstången.
De svängbara PLUG&PLAY-elektrodformerarna KE CDK-BAYO SEH/SEV kännetecknas framför allt av sin enorma flexibilitet. De är tillgängliga för både horisontell (SEH) och vertikal (SEV) inriktning.
For dressing electrode tips on stationary weld guns KYOKUTOH offers an extremely flexible swivel solution. The electrode tip dresser is mounted on the swivel unit and can be controlled very flexibly to the fix installed weld gun.
The swiveling PLUG&PLAY electrode tip dressers KE CDK-BAYO SEH/SEV are characterized above all by their enormous flexibility. They are available for both horizontal (SEH) and vertical (SEV) alignment.
With a swivel range of 60 to 190 degrees, almost any position where a stationary weld gun is located can be approached. The optional 360 degree adjustment plate allows the adjustment range of the tip dresser to be freely selected in almost any direction. When swiveling in with the help of the frequency converter, the patented double sensor principle is used. This means a fast approach to the gun at high speed, when passing the second sensor point the low speed is activated. This ensures a smooth approach to the gun without vibrations. Thus, the dressing process can start without delay.
The system is pre-programmed originally and does not require any additional programming work on the frequency converter control unit. The specially adapted spring package ensures almost simultaneous removal during the dressing process. The powerful chip vacuum system ensures that the chips are safely removed. An integrated motor protection switch is provided for the prescribed safety.
- PLUG&PLAY system for simple and fast installation
- Bayonet cutter holder
- Chip Vacuum System CVC5
- Integrated control box
- Adjustment range of the tip dresser is freely selectable in almost all directions
Technical Data
Voltage | 400 V |
Frequency | 50/60 Hz |
Current | 2.3/2.2 A |
Speed | 234/280 rpm |
Weight | 83 kg |
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